Unraveling the Secrets of Aging: How RNA Polymerase II Speed and Lifespan-Extending Interventions Shape Transcriptional Fidelity Across Species

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This study highlights a crucial discovery about the aging process across different species, including nematodes, fruit flies, mice, rats, and humans. Dr. Beyer’s research group demonstrated that the speed of a critical genetic process, RNA polymerase II, increases with age, leading to changes in gene expression. Interestingly, interventions known to extend lifespan, such as dietary restriction and lowering insulin-IGF signaling, reverse most of these age-related changes. By manipulating RNA polymerase ll speed in worms and flies or modifying gene expression, they were able to extend both lifespan and cell division potential. This breakthrough sheds light on the fundamental mechanisms behind aging and suggests possible preventive measures, capturing the attention of those interested in aging research and healthy living.


What is RNA polymerase ll?

RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) is a key enzyme involved in the intricate process of gene expression. This molecular powerhouse plays a crucial role in transcribing DNA into RNA, ultimately enabling the production of proteins that keep our cells functioning properly. In this blog, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of RNA polymerase II, its role in gene expression, and its significance in the broader context of biology and genetics.

RNA Polymerase II: The Master of Transcription

RNA polymerase II is one of three RNA polymerases found in eukaryotic cells. It is primarily responsible for transcribing protein-coding genes into messenger RNA (mRNA), which is then translated into proteins by ribosomes. RNAP II is a complex enzyme composed of several subunits that work together to initiate, elongate, and terminate the transcription process.

Initiation: A Promising Start

The transcription process begins with the initiation stage, during which RNAP II recognizes and binds to a specific DNA sequence called the promoter. The enzyme then assembles itself around the DNA and unwinds the double helix, exposing the DNA template strand to be transcribed into RNA.

Elongation: Picking Up Speed

Once RNAP II has successfully initiated transcription, it enters the elongation phase. During this stage, the enzyme moves along the DNA template strand, synthesizing the RNA molecule by adding complementary ribonucleotides to the growing RNA chain. The speed at which RNAP II transcribes DNA is critical for proper gene expression, as it influences splicing and other post-transcriptional processes.

Termination: The End of the Road

The final stage of the transcription process is termination. RNAP II stops transcribing when it encounters a specific DNA sequence that signals the end of the gene. The completed RNA molecule is then released from the enzyme, and the DNA helix re-forms. The newly synthesized RNA molecule undergoes various modifications, such as splicing and addition of a protective cap, before being translated into a protein.

RNA Polymerase II and Its Broader Significance

RNA polymerase II plays a central role in gene expression, making it a vital component of cellular function and organismal development. Disruptions in RNAP II activity can lead to a wide range of genetic disorders and diseases, including cancer. Consequently, understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying RNAP II function is essential for developing new therapeutic strategies and advancing our knowledge of genetics and biology.

RNA polymerase II is a remarkable enzyme that plays a pivotal role in the complex world of gene expression. By transcribing DNA into RNA, it lays the foundation for protein synthesis and cellular function. As we continue to uncover the intricacies of RNAP II and its role in transcription, we gain valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms that govern life at its most fundamental level. So, next time you marvel at the wonders of biology, remember that RNA polymerase II is hard at work, ensuring that the genetic information encoded within our DNA is accurately and efficiently converted into the proteins that make life possible.

However, the connection between RNA polymerase II and its speed in relation to aging remained uncertain.


Aging is a natural and multifaceted process that impacts all living organisms. It involves various molecular and cellular changes, some of which remain poorly understood. One intriguing aspect of aging is the relationship between the elongation speed of the RNA polymerase II (Pol II) enzyme and its impact on aging and age-related diseases. Dr. Beyer’s group has shed light on this connection, providing new insights into the aging process and offering potential avenues for intervention in age-associated diseases.

Dr. Beyer’s group has discovered a consistent increase in Pol II elongation speed with age across different species, including nematodes, fruit flies, mice, and rats, as well as human cell lines and blood samples. Alongside the increase in elongation speed, they observed age-related changes in splicing and transcript quality, such as the formation of more circular RNAs and increased mismatches with genome sequences. These changes likely contribute to age-associated phenotypes and may play a role in the development of age-related diseases. Interestingly, the study found that decelerating Pol II elongation speed in two species led to increased lifespan. This finding suggests that modulating Pol II elongation speed could be a promising strategy for promoting healthy aging and potentially extending lifespan.

Although the precise molecular events driving the increase in Pol II elongation speed during aging remain unclear, the research indicates that changes in chromatin structure are a significant contributing factor. Chromatin structure, which involves the organization of DNA and its associated proteins, can influence how genes are regulated and expressed. As organisms age, changes in chromatin structure may contribute to the increased Pol II elongation speed observed across various species. This increase appears to be both spontaneous and influenced by location-specific factors, making some genomic regions more prone to changes in Pol II speed than others.

The research on Pol II elongation speed and aging establishes this enzyme as a critical factor in molecular and physiological traits associated with aging. Misregulation of transcriptional elongation can reduce cellular fitness and may contribute to the development of age-related diseases. These findings offer a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and provide a potential target for interventions aimed at promoting healthy aging and preventing age-related diseases. As we continue to unravel the complexities of the aging process, the insights gleaned from studies on Pol II elongation speed may pave the way for innovative therapies and interventions to help people live longer, healthier lives.

For more information:

Nature 2023 4/12


Ageing-associated changes in transcriptional elongation influence longevity

Dr. Beyer’s website:


